Roof Repair 101

In a previous episode, mr Dog poop blew a hole in his roof and blamed it on FAT CHRIS. In this episode, Mr Dog Poop makes FAT CHRIS fix the hole, but CHRIS is only interested in eating the hot dogs on the roof which were left there from the explosion in the last video.
We Use Diverse Filming Locations Costumes & Props To Keep Content Dynamic

We like to shoot inside and outside and use everything possible to make our videos more interesting.

For example tying FAT CHRIS to a boom on our forklift to get him on the roof and coupling that with special effects to make him fall through the roof back into Mr Dog Poop's office.

Or the hilarious "Stabby Ferguson" video where FAT CHRIS tries to cook his can of beans on Mr Dog Poop's Stove.

In another video we lifted FAT CHRIS into a tree with the Massey Ferguson Model 12 lawn tractor and dropped him onto a tiny sheet of bubble wrap.

At no point did we sit FAT CHRIS on a chair and have him talking about the boring DNA lab work he does for Mr Dog Poop.

Instead, we created viral videos with some of the videos reaching more than a million views on multiple platforms in just a few weeks.

 We created more buzz in 6 months using these videos than all of our websites, videos and advertising combined did in the previous 8 years.
Video Production

Producing good viral videos takes more than a phone call to the cheapest videographer on craigslist. You need more than a good video camera, you need a plan, a well thought out plan, staging, props and an interesting story to tell.

Whether that story is about your team, your product or just some message you want to send, how you say it is critical to connecting with your customer.

Most video production services, record video and leave the responsibility of what is in that video up to you.

We would like to change that for our customers, by providing a full service from scripting, to casting to directing and on into the final edits.

Our goal is to make your video come to life, not not have it sit on an unviewed webpage.

While we can do dull and boring, we like to do the unexpected and when people see the unexpected, they share it and that is how videos go viral.

No viral video was ever dull and boring. No video was ever famous for just being good quality or well edited. To invoke emotion, you need to surprise people. And we have done that over and over with our own Mr Dog Poop Unleashed Channel on YouTube.